
The Benefits of Vitamins - Discover How You Can Improve Your Health and Happiness Naturally

By Henri K. Junttila

We all need nutrients to keep our body in top shape. I have never been satisfied with just surviving. I want to thrive.

And to do that, we really have to take advantage of the benefits of vitamins and ensure that we never become deficient in any one nutrient.

The combination of your age, genetics, diet, exercise all determine how much vitamins and minerals you need. For example, if you exercise, you will generally need more nutrients and more foods.

Is Healthy Eating Enough?

The healthier you eat, the more of these nutrients you will have in your body, but there is a problem today, which has to do with our soil. It has become severely depleted because of modern day farming practices.

This has led to fewer nutrients in our foods, so even if you're eating an extremely healthy diet, you may still be deficient in some nutrients. Researchers have discovered this and are now recommending that people take a daily, high quality multivitamin.

Deficiencies and Health Problems

Deficiencies are relatively rare when you're young, but as you start getting older, they can more easily start to develop. This can sometimes cause problems because a lot of people are not even aware that they are suffering from deficiencies.

Another interesting fact is that prescription drugs interfere with your body's ability to absorb nutrients, which can cause deficiencies and all kinds of health problems down the road, if they are not corrected.

The Health Benefits of Vitamins

The great news is that more and more people are discovering the use of multivitamin supplements, which I think is great. I have personally been using a supplement for over half a decade and it has helped me improve my health and happiness in many ways.

With all that said, some of the amazing health benefits of vitamins are as follows:

o Pain reduction
o Decreased PMS symptoms
o Improved happiness
o Reduced ADD/ADHD in children
o Reduced aging effects
o Enhanced brain function

The list goes on and on. What you should know is that you should not buy a supplement that only has one vitamin in it, because you will lose the synergistic properties that happen when you combine natural vitamins together.

I am not saying that you have to use a multivitamin, but that is what I have found to be the most effective when it comes to the health benefits. We all want to feel better, don't we?

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